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Archive for the 'Headaches' Category

Headaches: Causes and Treatment

Few conditions leave their victims as miserable and agitated as headaches. There are many causes of headaches including stress, odors, bright lights, noise, fatigue, certain foods, hormonal shifts, allergies, as well as genetic predisposition. With all the possible causes of headaches, it’s not surprising many people seek help from many different approaches such as conventional medical [..]

The Most Common Type of Headache

Headaches are one of the most common complaints for which patients seek chiropractic care. Chiropractic is especially helpful in the treatment of headaches because the three nerves that exit the top of the spine (upper neck) are often the cause of or directly related to headaches. These three nerves travel into the head and have [..]

Headache – What Is It and What Can I Do About It?

"I woke up this morning with an excruciating headache. I thought the top of my head was going to blow off!" "I notice as the day goes on, tightness in my neck worsens and I get a headache usually by 2-3pm." "I don’t know if I can do my work with my headaches." Statements like [..]

Chiropractic Manipulation and Headaches

Headaches are a common complaint in patients presenting for professional care, including chiropractic management. Patients with headaches seek chiropractic care because they find manipulation or adjustments applied to the cervical spine and upper back region are highly effective in reducing the intensity, frequency, and duration of their headache pain. This is because the cervical spine / [..]

Chiropractic Care and Headaches

"I can’t believe how much my head hurts!" I’ve been laid off from work for the last 3 weeks and worried about making my mortgage payment this month – I think the stress is getting out of control! Pain starts in my neck and radiates into my head eventually making my whole head hurt, especially [..]

The Neck and Headache Connection

Patients with headaches also commonly complain of neck pain. This relationship is the rule, not the exception; therefore, in order to achieve optimum results, treatment for headaches must include treatment of the neck. There are many anatomical reasons why neck problems result in headaches. Some of these include: The first three nerves exiting the spine [..]

Self-Management Approaches for Headaches

One of the reported causes of both migraine and tension headache is cervical muscle tension and spinal joint abnormalities in the neck. When considering treatment for headaches, whether it’s a tension-type or migraine, there are many choices available to the patient. The question is, which of the many options offer the best benefit? One study [..]

Headaches: A Self-Assessment of Function

Headaches are a very common problem seen in chiropractic offices. They can vary from mild and barely noticeable to extreme, so much so that it results in total disability where a sufferer is restricted to bed rest in a dark, quiet room. One inexpensive, reliable method to track a patient's progress is a self-administered test called [..]

Some Headache Causes And Solutions

There are many people who frequently suffer from headaches, some even on a daily basis. Many feel this is "normal." In fact, when they visit a chiropractor for the first time for what they believe to be an unrelated issue, they may not even bring it up. They may only discuss it after being asked if [..]

Headaches and Posture

Have you ever glanced at your reflection in a storefront window or mirror as you walked by and noticed your posture? Scary, isn’t it? We all know that we should stand up straight, but we soon forget when as we fall back into our daily routine. Poor posture is often due to years of standing [..]