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Archive for the 'Headaches' Category

Jaw Pain and Chiropractic

Pain in the jaw joint, or temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), is a common complaint for many people. In fact, a 2009 publication reported that TMD affects between 20-30% of the adult population, typically between 20 and 40 years old, and is more common in females than males. TMD is also the second most frequent cause [..]

Tension-Type Headaches – Management Strategies

Headaches (HA) can significantly alter a person’s quality of life. Moreover, they can interfere and sometimes even prevent an individual from performing important activities such as going to work, attending school, or participating in group activities such as sports, music programs, holiday gatherings, and more. The focus of this month’s article is on tension-type headaches [..]

Posture and Headaches

Headaches (HA) play a significant role in a person’s quality of life and are one of the most common complaints that chiropractors see. This comes as no surprise, as one survey reported 16.6% of adults (18 years and older) suffered from migraines or other severe headaches during the last three months of 2011. Another study [..]

Headaches: How Does Chiropractic Help?

Headaches (HA) can be tremendously disabling, forcing sufferers away from work or play into a dark, quiet room to minimize any noise and light that intensifies the pain. According to the National Headache Foundation, there are over 45 million Americans who suffer from chronic, re-occurring headaches, of which 28 million are of the migraine variety. [..]

Chiropractic and Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches refer to pain in the head, typically in and around the face. Most of us are knowledgeable about two of our four sinuses: the frontal (forehead) and maxillary (our “cheek bones”). The other two sinuses (called ethmoid and sphenoid) are much less understood. Many patients ask chiropractors about sinus problems, as all of [..]

What Kind of Headache Do I Have? (Part 2)

Previously, we discussed three types of headaches: tension headaches (the most common), cluster headaches (a vascular headache—less common, short duration but REALLY painful), and sinus headaches. Migraine headaches were discussed the month before last. In keeping with the theme, ONE more headache type will be discussed: rebound headaches, followed by anti-inflammatory herbal remedies, and finally, [..]

What Kind of Headache Do I Have?

Headaches come in several different sizes, shapes, and colors, so to speak. In fact, if you search “headache classification,” you will find the IHS (International Headache Society) 152-page manual (PDF) lists MANY different types of headaches! Last month, we discussed migraine headaches. This month, we’ll talk about the other headache types. So WHY is this [..]

Is it a Migraine?

There are MANY different types of headaches, of which migraines are a common type. This discussion will concentrate on some unique characteristics that are associated with migraine headaches. This information may help you understand what type of headache you’re having. A unique feature of migraine headaches is that prior to the start of the headache, [..]

Headaches and Chiropractic Care

There are many different types of headaches with a multitude of symptoms including achy, throbbing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, numbness, blinding, noise, light and/or odor sensitivity, and more. The causes of headaches can include genetics (familial traits, like migraine headaches), stress or tension (probably one of the most common), environmental (allergies, seasonal, bright sunlight, loud noises, [..]

Do Chiropractors Help Patients With Headaches?

This seems like an easy question to answer, doesn’t it? The answer of course being, YES!!! However, there are many people who suffer with headaches who have never been to a chiropractor or have not even ever considered it as a “good option.” So, rather than having me “reassure you” that chiropractic works GREAT for [..]